GAMES FROM MINDCRAFT - UPDATED LIST WALLS OF ROME Retail Price $59.95 SIEGE* warfare moves from the fantasy worlds of Gurtex and Solia to the historical lands of Europe, Asia and Africa in Walls of Rome. All the siege techniques of classical antiquity are in your hands. Scale the walls with ladders, bombard them with boulders or flaiming pitch, or undermine and collapse them. Armies from a multitude of times and places are under your command; fortifications of many types in many settings are yours to besiege or defend. Play the ready scenarios, separately or in campigns, or use the editor to combine and modify the troops and maps in myriads of ways. Extensive research and design experience give Walls of Rome an exciting depth of strategy, level of reality, and height of enjoyment. STRIKE SQUAD Retail Price $59.95 The K'kistik threat has returned. Insectoid aliens have wreaked havoc in the normally tranquil Consortium planet systems through oppression and the slavery of more peaceful species. The desperate Consotium leaders pleaded for help, to all who would listen, through an inter-galactic distress beacon. Those who answered this call in this cold, deaf anarchical universe were comprised of smugglers, bounty hunters and rapscallions from various backwater worlds...perfect specimens for the Strike Squad. Traverse through exotic alien worlds as you lead your hand-picked squad through missions of battle, recovery, rescue and more. BLOODSTONE - AN EPIC DWARVEN TALE Retail Price $39.95 A very rich and detailed role-playing experience revolves around the ancient Dwarven tribes, and the search for the legendary axe of Khamalkhad. Improved graphics, updated mouse interface and digitized voice (with compatible systems) combine with added play choices (multiple endings possible) to enhance your game playing enjoyment. The playing format is based on the acclaimed Magic Candle* roleplaying series. Featuring terrifying new monsters to vanquish, powerful spells to cast, and wondrous places to visit. AMBUSH AT SORINOR Retail Price $59.95 From the design team that created SIEGE* comes AMBUSH AT SORINOR. This strategic game moves the battles from castles to terrain. Experience the heart-pounding excitement of lying in ambush, waiting for the right moment to charge...or guiding your column through the dead silence of a forest, expecting arrows to fly at any second from behind the trees. Lead progressive campaigns with numerous troop types and ambush sites, or use the editor to create your glorious campaigns! TEGEL'S MERCENARIES Retail Price $29.95 TEGEL'S MERCENARIES is a futuristic real-time strategy game with unique role-playing components. General Tegel has appointed you squadron leader of a crew of 20 space mercenaries. Each has a distinctly different set of abilities, personality, and psychological profile. As you receive the top- secret details of each mission, you must select which mercenaries to deploy and which weapons and supplies to transport. The squad will talk and interact as they proceed with your orders. The "SKWID" Scenario Kit & Working Interface Developer lets you devise your own bracing missions! THE MAGIC CANDLE III Retail Price $59.95 The third installment in MINDCRAFT's award-winning role playing Magic Candle game. Your hero will traverse from Gurtex to the Solian Lands Kabelo, Illorio, and Tasuria. New companions can be invited, or use the added character generator to create your own worthy travelers. An expanded repertoire of magical powers must be used to confront the new evils you will encounter in your adventures. All new graphics and animation. Previous exposure to Magic Candle* games not a prerequisite for complete enjoyment! STAR LEGIONS Retail Price $29.95 Formerly entitled "Legions of Krella"...The latest release from the creators of "Star Fleet". As commander of the Imperial Empire's all- powerful invasion fleet, your orders must be as diverse as the planets you must conquer. A vast arsenal of battle troops, weapons, and war ships are at your control. Scan the progress of your maneuvers from the mothership using any one of four different planetary viewpoints. As enemy worlds fall, you move closer towards the Empire's most honorable rank - Imperial Tribune! SIEGE*/DOGS OF WAR bundle pack Retail Price $29.95 SIEGE: Fantasy meets strategy in this real-time strategy game of castle attack and defense! Bombard the castle and storm its walls or defend your castle from hordes of invaders with burning oil, magic and well placed arrow volleys! SIEGE includes a variety of scenarios in addition to allowing you to create your own! Lead humans, dwarves, elves, minotaurs, orcs, skeletons, and others on the path to death or glory! DOGS OF WAR: An exciting new add-on for those who own the Mindcraft best seller SIEGE. Many new detailed scenarios, featuring additional castles to negotiate and more monsters to confront. An advanced, more challenging AI to combat your strategic commands. New modem capability allows the user to match wits against another human attacker or defender. THE MAGIC CANDLE II:The Four and Forty Retail Price $29.95 Discover the fate of the four and forty guardians of Deruvia's Magic Candle as your party explores the lands of Gurtex across the stormy Sea of Oshmar. Can you thwart the Forces of Darkness in their vile attempt to build black magic candles of their own? Transfer characters from The Magic Candle I and The Keys to Maramon, or make a fresh start in this exciting new world. THE KEYS TO MARAMON - IBM, C64, and AMIGA Retail $14.95 Action-packed role-playing adventure ins the monster-ridden town of Maramon. You play a hero- or heroine - hired to save Maramon from destruction. Return to the world of The Magic Candle* for fast paced joystick or keyboard action and role-playing strategy. THE MAGIC CANDLE-Volume I !OUT OF STOCK! The fantasy role-playing story of a group of brave adventurers seeking to keep the Archdemon Dreax imprisoned in the flame of the Magic Candle. Its detailed storyline, multitude of conversations, intelligent tactical combat, innovative character classes and activities, and its unique climax have made The Magic Candle a classic. ============================================================================= - END OF FILE -